Monday, 23 September 2019

Kashmiris Will Be Heard Via PM Khan Who Arrived At New York To Address UNGA

Justice is just a word with no reality in today's world. This is exactly the perception building up in many innocent nations going through the humanitarian crisis. The ones who have been struggling for their rights for ages. Sacrificed numerous lives in hope that one day it’ll pay off. One of these nations is Kashmir. They had been fighting for years to at least safeguard their right to life. But there was no one to hear their voice.

However, recently the new Pakistani Prime Minister after witnessing the cruelty in his time of the ruling has decided to become the ambassador for Kashmir. And represent them in the world. His aim is to get Kashmiris the right that they have been seeking for decades. Protect them from the evils of the Indian armed forces and government.

So to fulfill that aim PM Khan has landed in New York to address the 74th session of the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA). The visit is entirely centered on Kashmir. He will enlighten the world with the humanitarian crisis that is taking place in the region. The PM has been making efforts to highlight the injustice that India is leading in Kashmir with the dissolution of Article 370. And complete blackout for more than seven weeks.

PM Khan would also attempt to bring in light the resolution that was signed seven decades ago concerning the disputed territory. It was presented as a peaceful way out of the dispute. However, it has never been entirely enforced in the region.

As in this session, the general assembly will be talking about world peace and tranquility, it is the most suitable platform to bring the issue to the world’s attention and internationalize it. The meetings with the leader will further add more weight to his aim. One out the all will be the most effective if turned out as planned which is the second meeting of PM Khan with Donald Trump.

On his 7 day visit to the United States, he will be participating in high-level summits at the UN on climate change, universal health coverage, sustainable development, and financing for development. However, his main focus is on representing the voice of Kashmiris.

He also shared his concern about the deteriorating situation in the occupied Kashmir with Saudi Arabia on his visit saying that he will demand actions against it at the UN.

He will deliver the address scheduled on Friday, September 27 to 193-member Assembly where he will share the perspective of Pakistan on the dispute of Jammu and Kashmir and the violence of human rights taking place in the disputed land. Also, drive the world’s attention to how the world’s biggest democracy is treating people. The people who are their own citizens.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Muharram Observances, Waqia Karbala Keeping The Faith Of Muslims Alive

The 10th of Muharram in the Islamic calendar is a date of grievance for all the Muslims. Its importance is based on the battle that happened on this date waqia Karbala AH 16. The tragic incidents of this date still make every Muslim hurt and aggravate with pain to this date. It is the biggest tragedy of Islamic history. Ever since then it became a day of mourning the Shaheeds of the Battle.
None of the Shaheeds of the battle were ordinary people. They all belonged to the family of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). And were massacred by Yazid’s army. The Grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), Hussain (RA) was leading the small group that was traveling to Al-Kufah. He was the dearest to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) among all his family.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) would say: “Whoever loves them loves me and whoever bears a grudge against them bears a grudge against me. Hussain is mine and I am Hussain’s. Whoever loves Hussain will be loved by Allah.” (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal)

People of kufa had invited Hazrat Hussain (RA) to proclaim his Caliphate there. And told him that around 18000 people were ready to take a pledge of allegiance. So Hazrat Hussain (AS) had left Makkah with all his family and tribe expecting to be received with a warm heart and enthusiasm. However, Yazid had found out about the rebellious act of people of kufa and had no intent to let them be successful in what they planned. He threatened the chiefs of the tribes and held them responsible for the conduct of their people.
Since Hussain (RA) was relying on the people of Al-Kufah to be supportive he wasn’t expecting a war. But Yazid had made the governor of Al-Basrah, Ibn Ziyaad responsible to restore order. The people of Makkah had taken pledge through Muslim Bin Ameer and Ibn Ziyaad murdered him. When this news reached the ears of Hussain (RA) he started traveling back to Makkah with his troop at night. But in the morning they saw that despite their non-stop walking towards Makkah they were standing right where they started. This is when Hussain (RA) realized that they cannot turn back from here.
So Hussain (RA) gave all the members in his troop an option to turn back, Many left and only 72 remained. Meanwhile, the remaining troop in Karbala, West of Euphrates river, was confronted by Yazid’s army of 1000 men. These men wanted to detain Hussain (RA) and take him to Kufa.
On the third day of Muharram, Ibn Sa’ad came with an army of 4000 men reading out the directions provided by Ibn Ziyaad. The instructions stated that Hussain (RA) must come to Kufa and pledge allegiance to Yazid. Hussain (RA) did not agree with this.
However, with passing days the brutality of Yazid’s army kept growing. And on 7th Muharram all sources of water were turned off to the family of Hussain (RA). This brought everyone to great distress. The cruelty was so severe that even the men in the army of Yazid were feeling the pain of Hussain (RA) and his family.
What is 10th Muharram in Islam?
On the 10th of Muharram when the battle started there were 72 Muslims against 4000 men of Yazid’s army. Hazrat Hussain (RA) took the 6 months old Ali Asghar to show his condition without water to Yazid’s men. But instead of giving him water, Harmala shot a spear in the throat of the innocent child. This is one of the most inhumane tragedies of Ashura.
All the companions of Hussain (RA) went in the battlefield one by one protecting Hazrat Hussain (RA). The last one left was Hazrat Abbas but soon he was martyred too. In this battle, 20 members of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s family were martyred. Imam Hussain (RA) however, was left alone.
Who killed Hussain in Karbala?
Imam Hussain (RA) went to the river to quench his thirst when a man from the army of Yazid shot an arrow at him which hit him on his face. Despite being hurt in Karbala Imam Hussayn (RA) kept fighting till his last breath.
After this, the men from the army started looting the camps of the Muslims and even took off the scarfs of Muslim women.
Umar Ibn Sa’ad ordered his men to trample over the body of Imam Hussain (RA). And to his call, his horsemen started trampling over to the extent that they completely disfigured the back and chest of Imam Hussain.
Before falling to the ground in Karbala Imam Hussain's body was hit by 45 arrows, 33 spears and over 40 sword blows. The cruelty didn’t stop here only. Imam Hussain (RA)’s head was sent to Kufa where Yazid put it to public display. This view made every Muslim cry. And the people of Kufa were extremely distressed for making the mistake of letting Imam Hussain fall in the trap of Yazid.
This was the most tragic day of Islamic history that shakes every Muslim even today. The Nobel blood of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was slaughtered with barbarity. No mercy was shown to him despite knowing how dear he was to Prophet (PBUH). The dignity of Muslim women was crushed. And children as small as a few months were killed in the arms of their own.
But this was the event that kept the essence of Islam alive. As Imam Hussain (RA) didn’t give away his faith by pledging allegiance to Yazid. Instead, he fought till his last breath for the cause of Islam. And to uphold the name of Islam in front of the non-Muslims in its true form.
If he would have given up and shown weakness on the brutality of the non-Muslims people today would have not remembered Islam the way they do today. The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (RA) was for a bigger cause. And by recalling it every year we make sure that the pain that the dear one of Holy Prophet (PBUH) remains fresh in the minds of the Muslims.
All Muslims feel the sorrow and grief that this incident brings each year. But it also strengthens the belief and faith of Muslims on Islam. No matter how split we are on other causes, the suffering of Imam Hussain (RA) and his troop bring us in unity. 

Read Also: Islam Gives Us These 8 Lessons On How To Live Life

Monday, 26 August 2019

PM Imran Khan Addresses The Nation On The Kashmir Crisis - Calls Modi's Decision As A "Historical Blunder"

Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan addressed the nation informing and updating the Kashmir Issue.

Trying To Hold A Talk With India: 

PM Khan sat in the vicinity of the Prime Minister House and faced the citizens of Pakistan to talk about the on-going concerns surrounding Kashmir. Khan started off the speech by mentioning that he is going to talk about everything regarding the issue. This included what Pakistan has done until now, Kashmir’s situation, and the future plans. “This is important because God made us stand at a place where we have to decide on the Kashmir policy,” said Khan.

Then, building up he mentioned the goals of his government. He said, “With my rule, the first priority was to develop peace in the country so we could provide the people help with employment, trade, and everyday problems” he then went on to compare India and Pakistan by saying that both the countries suffer from similar problems. Luckily, Khan also brought in climate change and said that the melting glaciers will eventually affect the countries.

Now he talked about his frustration regarding trying to get a hold of India. He said, “We talked with India as everyone knows. We tried to solve it through dialogues” he further added, “But we faced problems from the very start. Whenever we tried to initiate a talk with India, they would start something new and look for ways to blame Pakistan of terrorism”

He also mentioned the anti-Pakistan campaigns going on during India’s elections. Hence, it committed Pakistan to step back. Khan said that he was surprised when a youngster blew himself to pieces causing the Pulwama attack. But that wasn’t the concern for India. Instead of trying to figure out what distressed the young person to compel himself to blow up, it placed blame on Pakistan. India is even pointing fingers towards Pakistan for the chaos in Kashmir. “When the election happened, they tried to bankrupt Pakistan. They convinced FATF to blacklist the country” said the Prime Minister. Therefore, Pakistan also decided that simply talking wouldn’t settle the issue anymore.

Difference Between India And Pakistan: 

Then, Khan went on to address how India is going against the United Nation resolutions, decisions of the High Court and Supreme Court, and their own founding fathers. In the end, he believes that India only protects the Hindus. Moreover, he also took the time to ponder over Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which is an Indian right-wing organization. India is based on the policy of RSS which gives the Hindus an upper hand than the other minorities. According to Khan, Hindus developed this concept after going through Muslim rule and thinking that Muslims held them back.

The PM also suggested that they keep Hitler or fascists as role models. He said that recognizing this ideology, Quaid-e-Azam opened the eyes of the Muslims by saying that after the ‘British raj’, there is a possibility for Hindu domination as well. So the development of Pakistan is necessary.
There is a significant difference between the Pakistanis and Indians in respect to Imran Khan. He said, “Muslims cater to the Quran and to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)” Islam teaches of equality for all religions and races. And Khan emphasized that when we go against it then it is a stain on our Deen. However, for Indians when they go against their ideology it is actually the RSS’s ideology. This is the difference.  He continued on to say, “Modi made a mistake. His mistake can compel Kashmir to achieve freedom” possibly implying that Pakistan will play a role within it. Khan called Modi’s actions as a “historic blunder”.

“There are two things that they kept in mind,” said Khan. He called out to say that the first is that the Indian government wishes to cause enough damage to Kashmir to shut the citizens up. And the second thing is to convince the media that the reason behind this action is in connection with the terrorists infiltrating from Azad Kashmir.

Action Taken By Pakistan: 

Moving on with the PM Imran Khan's address to the nation, he also mentioned the different ways that Pakistan has successfully combated India's decision. He included the fact that Pakistan has been able to globalize the issue. And the United Nations council is starting to take action regarding Kashmir for the first time. He updated the embassies and strengthened the Pakistan army. “What do we do in the future? We make a decision on this issue. The entire nation needs to stand with the people of Kashmir” said Khan. Click here for more news related to Pakistan.

He promised the nation to take action and garner attention from international media. Moreover, Khan asked the citizens to participate in an event on Friday to leave their houses from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM. The reason is to stand for the rights of the people of Kashmir and make sure that the issue receives as much attention as possible. He topped it off with, “Till the Kashmiris don’t achieve freedom, we will stand”

What do you think of the PM Imran Khan's address to the nation? Share your thoughts using the links below.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

PTA’s Chairperson Says That He Did Not Advise To Block Social Media In Pakistan!

Amir Azeem Bajwa, Chairperson of Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA), said that social media needs to be banned in Pakistan because of the constant blasphemous content on the platform. However, he recently claimed that it was all a hoax and that there was no forwarding of blocking social media. Yet, the idea seemed to gather positive and negative response all over social media.

PTA's Policy Towards The Usage Of Social Media In Pakistan:

The initial news suggested that Bajwa mentioned that there are endless users and multiple accounts that post blasphemous ideas online which is harmful to Pakistan as a Muslim country. However, instead of suggesting that such content should be blocked or prevented, Bajwa wanted many social media websites to be banned. It seemed like a large scale project. This meant that he required a policy similar to China to be implemented in this country as well. Not to forget, the news also said that Bajwa added that many such websites had been operated from places other than Pakistan.

It appeared that PTA had been looking into developing various rules surrounding social media that would be revealed sooner or later. Moreover, after the false statement broke out people started evaluated whether this was a good step or not. Because it might end up with other restrictions on social media in general.

Even though people kept debating regarding freedom of speech but blasphemy is an issue punishable by the law. Hence, Pakistan would take strict action towards it. Additionally, it had also been in mention that Bajwa talked about 8000 websites promoting child pornography have been blocked and seized. It is quite shameful because Pakistan has become one of the main countries where child pornography is in demand.

This is a serious issue that connects to other different concerns regarding the status of children in this country. Even if there are laws that restrict such behaviors, children are still forced into laborious work or other worst deeds. Now, it has reached the time where the government and people with authorities would raise their voice towards such matters. According to the false rumors, he had also mentioned that countless websites where blasphemous content had been uploaded have been thoroughly blocked.

Was The Situation Intense?

Apparently, a lot of websites and networks would be in the pipeline of getting removed from access. However, it wouldn’t get as serious as the situation in Pakistan’s northern neighbor China.
China has most of the social media sites banned while the life of the citizens is usually under the camera’s eye. It is a rich country with a beautiful culture and breathtaking landscapes. But the government has always proved to be a bit controlling of the citizens. This has also been the number one reason why many Pakistanis do not wish to live or study in China.

Regarding the deeper parts of the internet, Bajwa’s past false statement said that it will take time to crack down on that. There is a lot of illegal content within that space of the internet. To the point, that even FBI officials have mentioned the place to be horrific and traumatizing for normal people to witness. Nevertheless, the decision of the PTA to restrict certain content from social media could have had a positive impact, especially if it involved harmful issues like child pornography or violence. For more leading viral news click here

Regarding all of this, the PTA spokesperson released a statement debunking its credibility. It said, “It’s clarified that chairperson is being misquoted by some media houses,” to further clarify, “He has not recommended the government to block social media.”

What do you think of this idea? Was this an impressive gesture from PTA’s side if it couldn’t been the truth or is there a better way to handle the issue instead of blocking? Share your thoughts.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Murree Governor House Is Opened For General Public

Hopefully, you remember the slogan of Prime Minister Imran Khan regarding austerity drive and putting an end to VIP culture. Well relating to this narrative, the Murree governor house is now open for the general public. Chief Minister of Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar on Monday inaugurated the Governor House Murree for the public.
Speaking at the ceremony, the CM said that the ease of staying could be availed by paying dues. He further said that inauguration of this house for the people was a pleasant occasion. Alteration of government buildings into rest houses is the beginning of abolishing VIP culture, he added.

Chief Minister of Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar said that the development of tourism is a prime agenda of the current government. He also asserted how the tourism sector was ignored in the tenure of past governments.

He said that the motive behind the opening of government houses for the general public is solely for the promotion of tourism. He stated that for the first time the historical building is opened for the general public and for the unofficial use. The CM further told that the golden jubilee of this Governor House was convened fifteen years ago and numerous international personages have stayed in this historic building.

Besides, he stated that it is a prestige to visit in such a luxurious building and the PTI led government does not want to restrict this prestige to its notables only.

On his Twitter, Chief Minister of Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar, stated, "In continuation of austerity drive, we are opening Luxurious Governor House Murree for public We have already opened 177 Govt resthouses of different departments These facilities are a reminder for the public about how our taxes were misused for the lavish lifestyle of previous rulers."

Pakistan Tehreek E Insaf Government has initiated its drive against VIP culture. As per an official of PTI, the Prime Minister, Imran Khan has spurred the austerity drive by not living in Prime Minister House but in an adjacent small house. 
Chief Minister of Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar also said that camping sites, safari and paragliding experiences will also be held to develop tourism.

The CM Punjab stated that the double-decker buses will be launched soon in Multan and Dera Ghazi Khan, and the CM also expected that a great number of domestic and foreign tourists will be drawn through such actions, which will enhance the foreign exchange of the country.  Besides, he asserted that these initiatives will help in creating employment opportunities for local residents. 

Indeed, this a good step of the PTI government and it will definitely help in soaring the tourism and ending the VIP culture in the land of pure. However, hopefully, the opening of such government building will not make them vulnerable from the general public and the eminence of the building will be protected. 

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

PM Imran Khan Rejected Any Concept Of Nuclear War Between India, Pakistan

Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday rejected the concept of any type of nuclear war in between Pakistan as well as India, stating his country would quit its arms and ammunitions if its eastern neighbor did the same.

In an interview with the Fox News, the prime minister responded in affirmative when asked "If India said we would give up nuclear weapons, would Pakistan? "Yes, because nuclear war is not an option. And between Pakistan and India, the idea of nuclear war is actually self-destruction, because we have two and a half thousand-mile border."

"Also, I think there's a realization in the subcontinent and there was some incident that happened last Feb and we again had tension at the border. An Indian plane was shot down in Pakistan," PM said during mentioning Indian aggression over the eastern borders. For more news about Pakistan click here

He informed Bret Bier of the Fox News that it was this very 'realization' he asked President Trump to play his role. He stated the USA of America was the most powerful country worldwide "the only country that could mediate between Pakistan and India, and the only issue is Kashmir."

PM said, "the only reason for 70 years that we have not been able to live like civilized neighbors, is because of Kashmir." The United States President Donald Trump in his meeting with Prime Minister Imran Khan at the Oval had actually provided US mediation on the 70-year old Kashmir disagreement between India and Pakistan.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

PM Imran Khan Promises Meritocracy In Every Department Of Pakistan

A huge political gathering of PTI addressed by PM Imran Khan was held in Washington yesterday. It was witnessed as the biggest crowd of overseas Pakistanis ever which is also being considered as one of the record-setting political gatherings held in USA.
In this gathering on Monday PrimeMinister Imran Khan addressed some key issues of Pakistan that PTI government is struggling to deal with currently. The focus of the whole discussion was based on the lack of meritocracy in the Pakistani system which has affected the country in multifaceted ways.

“Badshahat”, The Death Of Merit

He assumed the democracy of Pakistan to be partial as the leaders who were previously ruling the state have not been coming up by merit. And neither were they appointed the role to the ministries on merit. All of the big ministries were just given to their own relatives regardless of the fact that they have no skill, knowledge or capability in the area. So, Imran Khan declared Pakistan’s democracy pseudo saying that it's more like “badshahat”.
"A society that doesn't have merit, doesn't go forward."
This “badshahat” is the reason that Pakistan has been brought to the stage that it is in right now. As there was no merit being considered, He further gave the reference of Mughal Empire how it fell because of the lack of capability in the Mughal rulers who came after Aurangzeb. But they were still given the authority to rule based on the “badshahat”.
So PM Khan clarified that democracy is supposed to let the people choose their leaders by merit which was not the case in Pakistan previously.
"Nawaz Sharif was propped up by dictator. Asif Zardari & Bilawal became leaders on the basis of some piece of paper that left the party behind them. Similar stories with other parties.", said Khan.

The Only Merit-Based Party

Declaring PTI the first party to have come to rule by merit he said that during his tenure nothing is going to be done beyond merit and he will give equal chances to all Pakistanis to get to a higher position. Explaining this he gave the example of Murad Saeed who came from a regular family and is now the Federal Minister of Pakistan, purely based on merit.

Leaders Accountable For Their Actions

Khan also added that in democracy after a ruler has been appointed he becomes accountable for all his actions and every penny spent by law and by the Muslim religion. However, when in Pakistan the leaders are held accountable they say, “Mujhe Kyun Nikala.”
But now in “Naya Pakistan” all the leaders are answerable to the estate about how they made their assets and where did they spend the money taken in the name of the loan?
"What’s happening today in Pakistan is 'Naya Pakistan'. Where the powerful are being held accountable."

The Changing Wind

He also recalled the prosperous days of Pakistan back when he was growing up. After which the downfall came, corruption started, buying of public offices happened. So, the rest of the coming years just kept digging Pakistan deeper into the corruption.
However, PM claims that the wind in Pakistan has changed and there is no space for corruption.
"But today, Naya Pakistan is a place where every public office holder is accountable to the people,” declared Imran Khan.

Read Also: PIA Plane Skids Off Runway While Landing At Gilgit Airport
Prime Minister Pakistan added that the corrupt leaders are seeking NRO from him on being arrested. And he has been requested from a King to provide Nawaz with NRO, but he refuses to grant it to him. Their properties are being seized and the other governments are in talks with Imran Khan to return the looted money back to Pakistan.
No investors were ready to invest or do business in Pakistan because of its corrupt image. But now that the country is clearing its name off corruption, the government is intending to attract investments from around the world, said Khan.
“Naya Pakistan is being created in front of your eyes.”

Rising Up The Underprivileged Via Merit System

There is three educational system running side by side. All of them with the different syllabus. Due to which the underprivileged do not get the chance to make a name for themselves. But the government of PTI is the first-ever party to have attempted to introduce one main syllabus in the government schools, private schools, and madrasa. So the youth that rises up to the higher positions are backed by merit and not just the fact that they were privileged.
"There is education apartheid. Here [in America] people are given opportunities."

What is Riyasat-e-Madina?

PM said that people ask him what his vision is for the country to which he responds that he dreams to make Pakistan “Madina Ki Riyasat”. But most of the people don’t know what he means when he uses this phrase. So he explicitly explains what he means by Riyasat-e-Madina.
Madina was ruled by modern principles where everyone was given equal opportunities and there was a proper system of merit for everything which was unaffected by gender, religion, and class. It was a welfare state where the principles supported the rights of women, children and elderly. And the state was ruled with compassion, justice, and rule of law.

Read Also: Hajj And Everything You Need To Know About It
The state considered its responsibility to look after the elders, women, and children who had no one else having empathy for widows, the weak, orphans, the most downtrodden and elderly. Minorities in the state were not deprived of their rights. It was an absolute modern-day society.
The women were given their rights in the property which unfortunately even today are not given to the women of our state. So, PTI intends to pass a law to protect the rights of women in property, by law.

Cricket Team And PIA

Khan was disappointed by the performance of all the departments of Pakistan. He specifically mentioned that the system of Cricket Board will also be reformed and as there have been enough disappointments.
On being asked a question about PIA he responded that when the power was handed over to PTI, every institution was going in loss. Eventually, the government will fix PTI and the other institutions too.
Concluding the speech he told the people that he has always lived by one principle to never submit himself to anyone else. Hence, he would never let his nation submit or bow down in front of anyone else either, referring to his meeting with Trump.

Read Also: Seven Flaws ICC Needs To Fix For 2023 Tournament in India

PIA Plane Skids Off Runway While Landing At Gilgit Airport

Pakistan’s national airline PIA has been undergoing many incidents in the past due to its poor maintenance and management issues. For which the airline has been facing constant criticism and people have kept their eyes strictly on the airline. And yet another incident takes place showing the irresponsibility of PIA and its crew.

The plane that was landing on the runway of Gilgit Airport skidded off and failed at safe landing. It was an ATR passenger plane which bore the consequences of the negligence.
The accident could have been a major one had the pilot not gained control of it. Passengers traveling in the ATR-42 were marked safe in this incident which took place on Saturday. The news of the safety of passengers was given out by the flight's spokesperson Mashhood Tajwar.

It was the skillfulness of the pilot who effectively regained control of the plane after it slightly slid off the track into the unpaved area during landing. However, it was a major threat to the safety of the 53 people that the airline was carrying including the crew members so the orders for investigations have been issued by the CEO of PIA.

But a source has informed the media that the incident had also occurred due to the misjudgment of the pilots in the first a place who later successfully managed to regain control.

The source claimed that if the pilots would have landed the current with the aircraft touching down the runway at the recommended portion, there is no way that this incident would have taken place where the plane skidded off the runway unless the brakes would have failed.

PK-605 was flying from Islamabad to Gilgit according to Gilgit Deputy Commissioner. The plane came to halt near the tarmac in the grassy area. It was found resting on its right side post halt.
After the incident, the runway was closed temporarily. PK-608 took off to Islamabad right after the runway reopened. Read More for more news regarding Pakistan 

PIA CEO Air Marshal Arshad Malik ordering a the transparent investigation said that actions will be taken according to aviation rules if negligence is proven in the investigations.

The pilots of the flight of the incident have also been grounded until the investigation will be cleared on their part. One of the pilots of this flight has been up til now identified as Captain Maryam.
The current incidents that were associated with PIA, all depict the irresponsibility and mismanagement of the airline. These incidents have already affected the reputation of the airline a lot and if the errors aren’t corrected, it will completely lose people’s trust which would eventually turn out to be a great loss.

Simon Taufel Declares That Umpires Made Error In Judging The Overthrow

Whoever watched the World Cup Final 2019 would have not missed the last over which was the most exciting over of the match. The turn of events that took place in this over was super tense. One of which was the controversial overthrow. It happened while Rashid and Stokes were on the field. Stokes had hit the ball mid-wicket and was attempting to take the second run when the ball got overthrown by the bat of Stokes and rolled over to the boundary.
The umpires reviewed and signaled for a six. This outspread chaos among the fans who were wondering how the team was awarded six runs. However, in the heat of the moment, the judgment wasn’t reanalyzed and a super over was given after which England ended up winning even though it was a tie between the two teams. The winners were announced based on the number of boundaries they hit in the match. 
Stokes did an apologizing gesture to the team New Zealand right then and there for accidentally hitting the throw. And said that he wouldn't forgive himself for this. But the damage was already done to the opposing team with the Umpire giving England six runs.
But after England’s win, social media was flooding with critics coming up with justifications as to why the 6 runs given to England weren’t justified. Anyhow no comments were passed by the ICC officially so these were just public opinions.
What added weight to the judgments was the statement given by the World’s Once Best Umpire Simon Taufel. This statement obviously was concerned about the number of runs awarded to England which lead them towards the win.
The former number one Umpire called this judgment a “clear mistake”. He reinforced that the Kumar Dharmasena and Marais Erasmus made a mistake in judging the overthrow.
Stokes and Rashid had not crossed each other when the fielder released the ball. According to the rule when the action takes place only all the completed runs would be counted. Which in this case was only one and not two? But the Umpires misjudged it and gave the team a 6.
This was based on the assumption that the batsmen might have crossed each other before the throw and eventually deserve the run to be awarded to them. However, in the later findings, it was found that Stokes and Rashid did not cross each other.
The criticism was not being taken seriously or being called legit until Simon Taufel shared his view. The weight that has been added to the apprehension of the overthrow has put ICC in a bad light. Since it wasn’t a small error, it cost the World Cup to New Zealand. Click here for more latest updates on cricket
ICC needs to take measures to correct the mistakes that were done in this tournament to compensate for the ones done this year. Otherwise, people would demand the reformation of ICC because this is just one of many mistakes ICC did this season.
What do you think about the World Cup 2019? Share your views in the comments.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

SC Abolished Services Tax On Prepaid Mobile Cards And Finally People Can Take Sukh Ka Sans

Mobile service providers in Pakistan have begun the execution of an order of the Supreme Court to expel service or subsistence charges on prepaid mobile scratch cards or load, according to Khurram Mehran, spokesperson of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA).

Currently, Pakistan is going through the tough phase and the bourgeoisie class is struggling due to hefty amounts of taxes. Prime Minister, Imran Khan has vowed to take taxes from the people.
However, at this juncture of adversity, the relief in service charges of mobile service providers in Pakistan is a blessing.

Forthwith, the cell phone users in Pakistan will get about Rs. Rs88.9 balance in their cellphone account after adding Rs. 100. Earlier, a user used to get about Rs. 72 to Rs. 77 after a recharge of Rs. 100 PKR.

Khurram Mehran told that in an earlier recording this year, the supreme court had ordered mobile phone service providers in Pakistan that they could charge 12.5 percent withholding tax. Nevertheless, the court had directed them to remove the 10percent service charges.

Former CJP Saqib Nisar

In 2018, the former chief justice Saqib Nisar had taken a Suo Motu notice against the Mobile service providers in Pakistan. The public complaints inspired Chief justice to take notice of the high amount of tax or other charges. Click here for more viral news from Pakistan

Thereafter, Ex-chief justice, Saqib Nisar abolished the taxes. However, it was temporary. After the retirement of Chief justice Nisar, the apex court restored taxes owing massive loss to the exchequer.
Justice Nisar had questioned whether the reduction of Rs40 on a load of Rs100 was not taking advantage and noted that the matter is associated with the public interest.

In one of the hearings, the apex the court was informed that the country had undergone a loss of about Rs90 billion since the suspension of taxes.

In the month of April 2019, the Supreme court reinstated reduction of withholding tax and sales tax on pre-paid load by renouncing the earlier order.

The Supreme Court, yet, stated that the mobile service providers in Pakistan were not permitted to levy any service charges.

The order stated: "The order dated 11th June 2018 did not record reasons nor did it determine that the imposition of the taxes was without jurisdiction. We are also not persuaded to hold that the taxes were imposed without requisite legislation or that the six statutes contravened the Constitution."
The order declared the restoration of the taxes may, hence, be continued."However, the cellular telecom companies are not allowed to impose any service/maintenance charge; thereon as they have elected not to impose these charges," said the order.

Before the adjournment, withholding tax was 12.5% on a load of Rs100; following Section 236 of the Income Tax Ordinance of 2001. In comparison, Islamabad imposed a 17percent excise tax on the users in Islamabad.

The provinces were getting the 19.5pc sales tax on services from cell phone users. Moreover, Mobile service providers in Pakistan were charging 10 percent for their services.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Pakistani Actresses Who Have Stunned Us With Their Performances

The growing film industry of Pakistan has given us some artists who have made us proud with their performance even across the border. They have impressed and made a lot of fans worldwide. And it is always a pleasure to see one of us earning fame and recognition for our nation, internationally.
Two of many such artists are our beautifully stunning actresses Mahira Khan and Mahwish Hayat. They are currently the gems of Pakistani cinema and have previously charmed us with their intriguing performances in the drama industry.

The ‘Humsafar’ Star

Don’t all of us remember Mahira from Humsafar? O yes, we do. It is one of the iconic dramas of Pakistan which is considered the revival of the drama industry. The kind which even the coming generations would watch. It is our generations Dhoop Kinaray and Nijaat. Humsafar is one of those Pakistani dramas that even has a fan base around the world and is available on Netflix to be watched globally.

It was said to have many European and North American fans who had never watched Pakistani dramas before but couldn’t get enough of Humsafar. The drama was even dubbed in Arabic language and gained immense popularity there becoming the most watched drama series. It was also aired in India and UK.
We cannot deny giving Mahira credit for the popularity of the show. She got us starstruck with her graceful acting and adorable pairing with Fawad Khan.

Mahira’s Acting Career

Mahira started her career in acting with a movie Bol where she paired with Atif Aslam. It was the highest grossing movie of all time. But after humsafar her career took a rise, bringing her in major limelight. She has ever since been baffling us her movies and dramas back to back.

The Humsafar star has even starred with the all-time famous Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan in movie Raees. It was undoubtedly a big hit becoming the highest grossing Bollywood movie in 2017. Other movies that are part of Mahira’s career are Bin Roye, Ho Mann Jahan, Verna, 7 Din Mohabbat In.

Mahira At The Cannes Film Festival

Mahira is the first ever Pakistani actress who has debuted at Cannes. And oh my were we not charmed with all of her looks at the 11-day festival. From Sarees to Kaftan to flowy dresses - she managed to carry all of them gorgeously. We were proud to see Mahira representing Pakistan with such grace. 

The New Upcoming Movie Parey Hut Love

Now the stunning lollywood beauty is all set for her cameo appearance in new Pakistani release Parey Hut Love. It is a romantic comedy featuring Maya Ali and Shehryar Munawwar in lead roles. The movie will also have many other big appearances like Fawad Khan, Meera, Marina Khan and Sonya Jehan. Mahira shared the first look of her cameo appearance in the movie and it got us instantly excited to see her in this new role giving us the Mastani vibes. 

The trailer has already managed to bait quite a lot of audience with 659k views in 3 days. for more viral entertainment news visit this site, It doesn’t reveal much of the plot all we know is that there’s going to be some real fanciness with loaded celebrities in it and of course Mahira is going to nail whichever character she is playing.

Mahira speaks up against social issues

We all respect Mahira for her social activism too. She visited Afghan refugees in Karachi telling people how proud she was to be the citizen of a country where the government is supportive of the refugees. 

Mahira has raised her voice against so many social issues one of which is rape and we totally agree with her take on it. The fact that Mahira is using her fame to address serious issues like these is appreciable. 

Mehwish Hayat The Tamgha-e-Imtiaz Girl

Coming to Mahwish Hayat, she’s our tamgha-e-imtiaz girl and has made us proud with her impressive performances whether it be on television or in cinema. The entertainment industry owes a lot this talented singer, model, actress. Her contributions to Pakistani industry have been acknowledged by the government and in 2019 she was given Tamgha-e-Imtiaz (Award of Excellence). Even though people at first weren't enough convinced for her to be deserving of it but eventually people figured out that she did. Mehwish didn’t underestimate her in either of the situations. 

Leading the movies with impressive releases

She has played a character in a number of super hit movies which were recognized for her amazing performances. A few of these movies are Na Maloom Afraad, Chalawa, Actor in Law, Jawani Phir Nahi Ani, Punjab Nahi Jaungi and Load Wedding. All of these movies have been lollywood hits with Chalawa currently in cinemas earning 6.4 crores in first 3 days.
Mehwish has also done the voiceover for 3 bahadur rise of warriors and is still looking for diverse acting opportunities. She has also featured in an Eros Now original web series Enaaya. It had caught a lot of attention for the lively role that our Gangster Guriya is playing in it. 

London Queen Mary University Had Mehwish Hayat As A Speaker

Pakistan high commission invited the star girl to share her experiences and struggles that she faced in the industry with the students of the London Queen Mary University. Her speech was centered around how she has been empowering women of Pakistan by being a voice for them.
She also shared that she was concerned about the item song that she had done and that she would be disregarded and criticize for it, But Mehwish however, still took the risk. 

The Item Song ‘Gangster Guriya’

Mehwish has recently featured an appearance in an item song ‘Gangster Guriya’ in the movie Baaji which is yet to release. The song took the internet with a wave of criticism on Mehwish. Some of us even questioned her worthiness of being given a tamgha-e-imtiaz.

But what none of us can’t deny saying is that her bold look in the song has left us breathless. Her dance moves are being compared with that of Katrina Kaif in ‘Kamli’.

While announcing the release of the song she captioned the post with some more women empowerment words. 

Singing Career of Mehwish

We were even more impressed when Mehwish featured in Coke Studio performing a song with Sheraz Uppal. She was already being loved for her acting, now the singing just added on our love for her. 

However, not everyone was living the vibe. She did get a lot of judgments on that too but again Mahwish isn’t the kind who cares about judgments.

Active Contribution Of Mehwish To The Society

Besides standing up for women empowerment Mehwish is contributing to the society with her influential position in many other ways too. She had visited Agha Khan children hospital in March where she spent time with the children and learned the whereabouts of the hospital. 

With every role she played, Mehwish has left us stunned with her acting skills and her gorgeous looks. We are certainly looking up to her to play more unique characters and leave us even more stunned than ever before.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Ways You Might Have Misjudged ‘Aurat March 2019’

It’s no mystery that Pakistan is still way behind in giving proper rights to women from steady backgrounds yet alone poor ones. Altogether, it’s just about money. If you’re a daughter of a rich family you can stay protected from a couple of injustices that women of the lower/middle class might face.

However, that doesn’t mean that the rich daughters live a lavish and protected life. Everyone gets their fair share of cat-calling and thirsty stares. This is an undeniable fact.

The Aurat March 2019 is just a gentle reminder of the anger and frustration that women in Pakistan feel. And we’re all up for diving deep into the movement!
Starting from early March, the movement started with dozens of people where the majority have been women, holding posters/banners. Yeah, the exact same ones that made people lose their marbles.

We have all the time to be angry but to be fair; people have avoided looking at the big picture. There has been no focus on the context of the posters. More so, people have started bashing the women for being vocal about certain things that they shouldn’t be…. kind of proving the whole point of March.

Let’s evaluate some of the misunderstandings and try to see things eye-to-eye:

No One Tried to Dissect the Message of the ‘Indecent’ Posters:

Most of you might just squirm away from the wording but is the poster actually wrong though? Isn’t this something every woman dislikes and wants to avoid?


It doesn’t matter if you’re a feminist, unwanted sexual pictures are always a no-go. It has been a shame that people have decided not to look past this and ‘judge’ the ‘indecency’ of these girls. And that is exactly what they are fighting against.
Also, we all know that Aurat March posters in Pakistan are gaining controversy because this nation can take anything out of context.
This person tells it perfectly:

To be very honest, the #metoo movement included every sort of assault or harassment that any gender has ever faced (its intensity doesn’t matter). It is a safe platform for people to bring their stories to light.

Everyone has seemed to ignore that men have always been welcome to use this hashtag as well because ANYONE can get assaulted.

So, talking about unwanted dick pictures is also a form of harassment that a lot of women have faced. How is it any less significant? Should we shy away from it because of the wording?

Why are we not educating the people that are responsible for these pictures in the first place?

Some of you still might be in the blue and not want to keep up with the feminist crap so here’s another example:

A woman mentioning periods has people upset! Now, it’s awfully inapprehensible on how you can watch hours of bloodshed in the game of thrones but a single pad disturbs you? Logic 101 

Not to mention, people looked past the meaning again. And honestly, no name calling, but most of them have been men.

It’s because men don’t understand the concept of periods and as it’s a taboo they will always be left in the dark about it. Moreover, periods aren’t something a woman has control over. It’s natural. Yet we are taxed on products that are definitely NOT a luxury.

It’s a sad fact that this is a part of our mechanism and unavoidable yet the economy wants to monetize it.

It’s okay if you’re not used to such conversations or bold statements but don’t bash them without actually looking into the positive impact they are bringing. Your negativity at home is never going to help.

Honestly Aurat March posters in Pakistan are treated the same as Mathematics: ignored and misunderstood! Most of them made impressive points but we still label this whole movement as a ‘feminist agenda’.

No One Focused on the Non-Female Allies:

‘Crazy women and their crazy feminism’
How about: the Aurat March 2019 had a good portion of men and boys as well? The March’s field was as diverse as it could get.
Here’s a classic example:

No. These men are not trying to pretend as if they’re a white knight. They just have a common understanding of female issues in Pakistan and a lack of selfishness.

Men of all ages, backgrounds, and mindsets came together to set differences aside and try to stand for what they think needs attention.

The sad part is that all the people claiming ‘men are our brothers, fathers, and sons’ have been the same people to bash these men participating in this movement.
So, if they don’t work for their interest they’re suddenly useless? Didn’t you advise against that in your angry twitter posts about why men are important and this movement is trash? Yes, you did and you contradicted yourself. 

There Was No ‘Attack’ on Men:

Some took this particular poster out of context:

‘Why don’t you cover up?’ ‘It goes both ways’
Yeah, sure.
But how many times are women victimized and felt uncomfortable by a man’s gaze? In this country? Every day.
Let’s try to balance this out, shall we?
A man looking at a woman in a lewd way is somehow more justifiable because she’s wearing ‘revealing’ clothes. Are we in the animal kingdom where there is no way for us to hide our ‘inner’ intentions? The fact that there needs to be an explanation of this is mind-blowing.
Women are marching for their rights, and if they discourage someone else’s rights in the process then they will be called out as well! But calling these posters out for making valid points over issues that all of us have seen happen RIGHT in front of our eyes, is saddening.

Why Mard March as a Response was Childish:

Aurat March 2019 ended. Everyone went home satisfactorily but some stared at their screens with anger as they came up with another March: The Mard March.
Would this have been more impactful and iconic if it happened on men’s day? November 19th? Absolutely!

Everyone deserves a platform to talk about their issues and concerns but if those concerns tackle unnecessary claims then are such concerns really important?
This March happened right after Aurat march became famous. It had no significance to men but has been a childish come-back.

Moreover, the frustrating part is most of the posters didn’t even raise good points. Okay, you’re a man and you’ve got everything…we already know that.

Honestly, most universities and colleges provide transport for every student despite gender differences. This might not be the case for companies or the workplace BUT it is far more dangerous for a woman to go home by herself in Pakistan than it is for a man.

That’s just obvious. For more viral stories visit this site

What…!? Who said that you’re not? You can really feel the undying need to present a straw man argument.

The other posters once again mentioned angry arguments with no actual help for male victims, toxic masculinity, male suicide rate, etc. it was just an unnecessary response which could’ve been avoided.

Regardless, you can now have a fair look at the context of the March and formulate your own opinions on it. Comment on what shocked you the most!