Wednesday, 7 August 2019

PTA’s Chairperson Says That He Did Not Advise To Block Social Media In Pakistan!

Amir Azeem Bajwa, Chairperson of Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA), said that social media needs to be banned in Pakistan because of the constant blasphemous content on the platform. However, he recently claimed that it was all a hoax and that there was no forwarding of blocking social media. Yet, the idea seemed to gather positive and negative response all over social media.

PTA's Policy Towards The Usage Of Social Media In Pakistan:

The initial news suggested that Bajwa mentioned that there are endless users and multiple accounts that post blasphemous ideas online which is harmful to Pakistan as a Muslim country. However, instead of suggesting that such content should be blocked or prevented, Bajwa wanted many social media websites to be banned. It seemed like a large scale project. This meant that he required a policy similar to China to be implemented in this country as well. Not to forget, the news also said that Bajwa added that many such websites had been operated from places other than Pakistan.

It appeared that PTA had been looking into developing various rules surrounding social media that would be revealed sooner or later. Moreover, after the false statement broke out people started evaluated whether this was a good step or not. Because it might end up with other restrictions on social media in general.

Even though people kept debating regarding freedom of speech but blasphemy is an issue punishable by the law. Hence, Pakistan would take strict action towards it. Additionally, it had also been in mention that Bajwa talked about 8000 websites promoting child pornography have been blocked and seized. It is quite shameful because Pakistan has become one of the main countries where child pornography is in demand.

This is a serious issue that connects to other different concerns regarding the status of children in this country. Even if there are laws that restrict such behaviors, children are still forced into laborious work or other worst deeds. Now, it has reached the time where the government and people with authorities would raise their voice towards such matters. According to the false rumors, he had also mentioned that countless websites where blasphemous content had been uploaded have been thoroughly blocked.

Was The Situation Intense?

Apparently, a lot of websites and networks would be in the pipeline of getting removed from access. However, it wouldn’t get as serious as the situation in Pakistan’s northern neighbor China.
China has most of the social media sites banned while the life of the citizens is usually under the camera’s eye. It is a rich country with a beautiful culture and breathtaking landscapes. But the government has always proved to be a bit controlling of the citizens. This has also been the number one reason why many Pakistanis do not wish to live or study in China.

Regarding the deeper parts of the internet, Bajwa’s past false statement said that it will take time to crack down on that. There is a lot of illegal content within that space of the internet. To the point, that even FBI officials have mentioned the place to be horrific and traumatizing for normal people to witness. Nevertheless, the decision of the PTA to restrict certain content from social media could have had a positive impact, especially if it involved harmful issues like child pornography or violence. For more leading viral news click here

Regarding all of this, the PTA spokesperson released a statement debunking its credibility. It said, “It’s clarified that chairperson is being misquoted by some media houses,” to further clarify, “He has not recommended the government to block social media.”

What do you think of this idea? Was this an impressive gesture from PTA’s side if it couldn’t been the truth or is there a better way to handle the issue instead of blocking? Share your thoughts.

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