Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Ahmed’s Popularity Reaches India as Virat Kohli Tries To Mimic Him While Debates Of His Exploitation Are Still Running Wild

It would be kind of unbelievable if anyone says they haven’t seen this cute little kid, scrolling down their feed or switching between channels because Ahmed Shah is everywhere! He is the most adorable angry young boy who has the whole Pakistan in love with him. Being just 4-year old Ahmed has reached the level of fame that many celebrities haven’t yet. His accent of Urdu is what catches everyone’s attention and his cute antics are an add-on.

The recent video of Ahmed that went viral was “Peeche tou dekho” making this phrase so viral that there were memes all over the internet, people even started lip syncing over his catchphrase. He has been hosting the Ramzan transmissions, doing TVCs, making appearances in famous celebrities’ profiles, his life is the dream goal of any influencer. The popularity of Ahmed is so widespread that even fans from across borders have started making videos on it. Everyone was swooning over his cuteness.

Even the popular Indian Comedian; Bharti Singh did lip-syncing of his infamous line “Peeche tou dekho.” Now, now. This isn’t where it ends. While we were already awestruck with how quick Ahmed was getting famous, another video came up of the Indian Captain, Virat Kohli, trying to mimic Ahmed’s iconic line. He was seen in the video laughing hysterically while repeating the line. Well, Ahmed isn’t coming slow! For More Viral News Click here

He was first acknowledged from his video where his teacher had took his bag and Ahmed was raging over her saying “Oyee, mera basta wapis karo.” That video was hilarious and caught overnight popularity. Some people found it cute, some called the teacher out for pushing a negative trait in a child just for the entertainment, and others were convinced that “badtameezi” is not cute. Whatever were the opinions but Ahmed did get some eyes on him. After which he was called on a show and was constantly tried to provoke anger. It wasn’t taken very well by the audience and the host earned herself quite a lot of criticism.

Currently, Ahmed is in the conversation for his acting part in the Ramazan transmission on ARY and Jeeto Pakistan where he has also made brief contacts with famous celebrities like Meera Jee, Neelum Munir, Hania Amir and Mahira Khan, who have remained in controversies in the past.

People are accusing the media and the parents of Ahmed of promoting this toxic culture and snatching Ahmed’s childhood by making him stay on the sets for long hours while he should be out playing. The discussion revolves around the assumption that the boy is being exploited, just for the sake of money, ratings, and likes. He has been brought miles away from his home without his mother while at such a tender age of 4 all the child needs are to be with his mother. His parents and the media are cashing his cuteness, depriving Ahmed of the fun that other kids of his age are having out there.

It not just about what is happening right now, it’s about where it is going and where will it take him. Since he is the internet sensation right now so every picture or video having Ahmed in it is spreading like wildfire. In cases like these, the opportunists start coming in the picture as attention seeking tact for media to shed some light on them too.

In the recent past, another video surfaced of Ahmed with the model Hareem Shah who got famous from tick tock. The video wasn’t approved by any member of the society it was considered inappropriate even found to be disturbing. It was a very uncomfortable interaction even to be done in the first place and the sad part is that the model thought that the content was upload-worthy. A lot of the people even thought of it to be a kind of Child Molestation and said if the genders were swapped it would have been a 101% harassment case.

These hungry-for-likes people are wearing-out the innocence of poor Ahmed bit by bit and since he’s so young to judge the situation himself and protest against it, people are worried about his well-being. He hasn’t even seen the world properly and is being made an addict to stardom. It was even told by some sources that this cheeky little boy doesn’t even get enough sleep and he’s found sleeping on the set at whatever space he finds to sleep. The sight of moral ethics is being blurred out behind the media’s hunger for rating and likes.

There is no denying that Ahmed indeed is the cutest boy and we are and will love seeing him with those chubby rosy cheeks and cranky attitude but not at the sake of his loss. He equally deserves a free-will as the other kids.

This whole scenario is also being called out as a brash act of child labor. The reason being that his part on the show is not less than a full-time hardcore job. He is being paid with a lucrative amount of money which he has no idea of. The money doesn’t even get to him while he is the one working non-stop in front of the camera.

Another concerning matter is the objectification of Ahmed Shah. The way he is brought in “Jeeto Pakistan” is merely absurd. In one of the shows on being asked what Ahmed would really want to do right now, his reply was
“I want to be home with my mom.”

 Where the majority of the media was cashing Ahmed’s fame there were some celebrities who raised their voice against his exploitation like Mashal Khan and Sajal Aly. 

This issue was first addressed in a video by Youtuber Arsalan named, Save that Pathan kid which got recognition very quickly and many celebrities and influencers stood by his critique.

Other personalities like journalist Asif Khan and Noorena Shams, the professional squash player also condemned misuse of Ahmed Shah by the media.

However, this indecent practice of the showbiz industry was tried to be justified by Faisal Qureshi lately. Also by ARY Digital’s CEO Mohammad Jerjees Seja saying that Ahmed is being treated well and is taken care of. The celebrity however, shot a video asking Ahmed if he feels mistreated on the set or not. Most of us considered it an equally invalid act to be asking a child, if he’s getting enough sleep or if he’s being mistreated. A child of that age has the least exposure to how many ways a life could be lived. He would find anything fascinating. So it’s not about how he’s being treated. So I repeat, “It not just about what is happening right now, it’s about where it is going.”

The question that need to be thought over are if these working hours are justified for a child of this tender age? Is objectification of a child even humane? Is Ahmed Shah even ready for that kind of stardom?

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