Monday, 23 September 2019

Kashmiris Will Be Heard Via PM Khan Who Arrived At New York To Address UNGA

Justice is just a word with no reality in today's world. This is exactly the perception building up in many innocent nations going through the humanitarian crisis. The ones who have been struggling for their rights for ages. Sacrificed numerous lives in hope that one day it’ll pay off. One of these nations is Kashmir. They had been fighting for years to at least safeguard their right to life. But there was no one to hear their voice.

However, recently the new Pakistani Prime Minister after witnessing the cruelty in his time of the ruling has decided to become the ambassador for Kashmir. And represent them in the world. His aim is to get Kashmiris the right that they have been seeking for decades. Protect them from the evils of the Indian armed forces and government.

So to fulfill that aim PM Khan has landed in New York to address the 74th session of the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA). The visit is entirely centered on Kashmir. He will enlighten the world with the humanitarian crisis that is taking place in the region. The PM has been making efforts to highlight the injustice that India is leading in Kashmir with the dissolution of Article 370. And complete blackout for more than seven weeks.

PM Khan would also attempt to bring in light the resolution that was signed seven decades ago concerning the disputed territory. It was presented as a peaceful way out of the dispute. However, it has never been entirely enforced in the region.

As in this session, the general assembly will be talking about world peace and tranquility, it is the most suitable platform to bring the issue to the world’s attention and internationalize it. The meetings with the leader will further add more weight to his aim. One out the all will be the most effective if turned out as planned which is the second meeting of PM Khan with Donald Trump.

On his 7 day visit to the United States, he will be participating in high-level summits at the UN on climate change, universal health coverage, sustainable development, and financing for development. However, his main focus is on representing the voice of Kashmiris.

He also shared his concern about the deteriorating situation in the occupied Kashmir with Saudi Arabia on his visit saying that he will demand actions against it at the UN.

He will deliver the address scheduled on Friday, September 27 to 193-member Assembly where he will share the perspective of Pakistan on the dispute of Jammu and Kashmir and the violence of human rights taking place in the disputed land. Also, drive the world’s attention to how the world’s biggest democracy is treating people. The people who are their own citizens.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Muharram Observances, Waqia Karbala Keeping The Faith Of Muslims Alive

The 10th of Muharram in the Islamic calendar is a date of grievance for all the Muslims. Its importance is based on the battle that happened on this date waqia Karbala AH 16. The tragic incidents of this date still make every Muslim hurt and aggravate with pain to this date. It is the biggest tragedy of Islamic history. Ever since then it became a day of mourning the Shaheeds of the Battle.
None of the Shaheeds of the battle were ordinary people. They all belonged to the family of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). And were massacred by Yazid’s army. The Grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), Hussain (RA) was leading the small group that was traveling to Al-Kufah. He was the dearest to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) among all his family.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) would say: “Whoever loves them loves me and whoever bears a grudge against them bears a grudge against me. Hussain is mine and I am Hussain’s. Whoever loves Hussain will be loved by Allah.” (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal)

People of kufa had invited Hazrat Hussain (RA) to proclaim his Caliphate there. And told him that around 18000 people were ready to take a pledge of allegiance. So Hazrat Hussain (AS) had left Makkah with all his family and tribe expecting to be received with a warm heart and enthusiasm. However, Yazid had found out about the rebellious act of people of kufa and had no intent to let them be successful in what they planned. He threatened the chiefs of the tribes and held them responsible for the conduct of their people.
Since Hussain (RA) was relying on the people of Al-Kufah to be supportive he wasn’t expecting a war. But Yazid had made the governor of Al-Basrah, Ibn Ziyaad responsible to restore order. The people of Makkah had taken pledge through Muslim Bin Ameer and Ibn Ziyaad murdered him. When this news reached the ears of Hussain (RA) he started traveling back to Makkah with his troop at night. But in the morning they saw that despite their non-stop walking towards Makkah they were standing right where they started. This is when Hussain (RA) realized that they cannot turn back from here.
So Hussain (RA) gave all the members in his troop an option to turn back, Many left and only 72 remained. Meanwhile, the remaining troop in Karbala, West of Euphrates river, was confronted by Yazid’s army of 1000 men. These men wanted to detain Hussain (RA) and take him to Kufa.
On the third day of Muharram, Ibn Sa’ad came with an army of 4000 men reading out the directions provided by Ibn Ziyaad. The instructions stated that Hussain (RA) must come to Kufa and pledge allegiance to Yazid. Hussain (RA) did not agree with this.
However, with passing days the brutality of Yazid’s army kept growing. And on 7th Muharram all sources of water were turned off to the family of Hussain (RA). This brought everyone to great distress. The cruelty was so severe that even the men in the army of Yazid were feeling the pain of Hussain (RA) and his family.
What is 10th Muharram in Islam?
On the 10th of Muharram when the battle started there were 72 Muslims against 4000 men of Yazid’s army. Hazrat Hussain (RA) took the 6 months old Ali Asghar to show his condition without water to Yazid’s men. But instead of giving him water, Harmala shot a spear in the throat of the innocent child. This is one of the most inhumane tragedies of Ashura.
All the companions of Hussain (RA) went in the battlefield one by one protecting Hazrat Hussain (RA). The last one left was Hazrat Abbas but soon he was martyred too. In this battle, 20 members of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s family were martyred. Imam Hussain (RA) however, was left alone.
Who killed Hussain in Karbala?
Imam Hussain (RA) went to the river to quench his thirst when a man from the army of Yazid shot an arrow at him which hit him on his face. Despite being hurt in Karbala Imam Hussayn (RA) kept fighting till his last breath.
After this, the men from the army started looting the camps of the Muslims and even took off the scarfs of Muslim women.
Umar Ibn Sa’ad ordered his men to trample over the body of Imam Hussain (RA). And to his call, his horsemen started trampling over to the extent that they completely disfigured the back and chest of Imam Hussain.
Before falling to the ground in Karbala Imam Hussain's body was hit by 45 arrows, 33 spears and over 40 sword blows. The cruelty didn’t stop here only. Imam Hussain (RA)’s head was sent to Kufa where Yazid put it to public display. This view made every Muslim cry. And the people of Kufa were extremely distressed for making the mistake of letting Imam Hussain fall in the trap of Yazid.
This was the most tragic day of Islamic history that shakes every Muslim even today. The Nobel blood of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was slaughtered with barbarity. No mercy was shown to him despite knowing how dear he was to Prophet (PBUH). The dignity of Muslim women was crushed. And children as small as a few months were killed in the arms of their own.
But this was the event that kept the essence of Islam alive. As Imam Hussain (RA) didn’t give away his faith by pledging allegiance to Yazid. Instead, he fought till his last breath for the cause of Islam. And to uphold the name of Islam in front of the non-Muslims in its true form.
If he would have given up and shown weakness on the brutality of the non-Muslims people today would have not remembered Islam the way they do today. The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (RA) was for a bigger cause. And by recalling it every year we make sure that the pain that the dear one of Holy Prophet (PBUH) remains fresh in the minds of the Muslims.
All Muslims feel the sorrow and grief that this incident brings each year. But it also strengthens the belief and faith of Muslims on Islam. No matter how split we are on other causes, the suffering of Imam Hussain (RA) and his troop bring us in unity. 

Read Also: Islam Gives Us These 8 Lessons On How To Live Life